How to Prevent a Perianal Abscess from Coming Back Naturally and Effectively

How to Prevent a Perianal Abscess from Coming Back Naturally and Effectively
You certainly don't want to develop a painful abscess again. Unfortunately, many people experience recurrent abscesses. It's impossible to be completely sure they won't come back. However, there are steps you can take to minimize the risk of recurrence. Be sure to follow all post-operative instructions carefully, care for the wound, and keep it clean. Learn more about the symptoms and consult a doctor if you think an abscess is already forming.

Follow the doctor's post-operative instructions

 A smooth recovery from the abscess you are currently developing is your best chance of avoiding another one. Schedule surgery to have the abscess drained. This can usually be done in one day. Ask a loved one (such as a relative or friend) to drive you home.
  • You may feel drowsy due to the effects of pain medication or anesthesia, so it's essential to have someone with you. Once you know when the procedure will take place, you should find someone available to drive you home.
  • Ask this person to pick up prescriptions and help you get comfortable at home.

 This will help check the condition of your wound. Make sure to schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider to have your wound examined. Typically, this follow-up exam is done about six weeks after surgery, but in some cases, it may take place as soon as two or three weeks. Keep in mind that it's best to schedule this exam as soon as possible before your doctor's schedule becomes very busy   .
  • During this appointment, the healthcare professional will ensure that your wound is healing properly.
  • It will also ensure that you do not develop an anal fistula. In fact, a fistula is the appearance of a tube between the anal canal and an open area of ​​skin near the anus. It is usually due to a previous abscess. Unfortunately, almost 50% of people develop a fistula after abscess surgery .
  • It is virtually impossible to prevent a fistula, but you can minimize the risk of developing one by following postoperative instructions precisely.

 Clean the area with warm water and mild soap at least twice a day to keep it clean. Collect any drainage from the healing abscess by wearing a large, soft pad or sterile gauze in your underwear. The padding will also help you be more comfortable.
  • Change the gauze or tampon if it gets dirty or do it at least twice a day to keep the area clean and free of any discharge.

 Also, do not exercise for a week after surgery. You will be able to move around, but you should be careful not to exert yourself for a few days after surgery. Avoid lifting anything too heavy (no heavier than a full backpack) and avoid exercising. However, be sure to walk during the day to maintain good circulation .
  • Depending on your profession, you may be able to return to work after a day or two. If your job requires a lot of physical activity, you should talk to your doctor first.
  • Avoid swimming until your injury is completely healed.
  • Do not cycle for six to eight weeks after your surgery.
  • You can have sex whenever you feel comfortable doing so.

 if you can take a laxative to help you have easier bowel movements. You may not be able to have regular bowel movements right after surgery. This is completely normal. Try not to strain too much. If you don't have a bowel movement after a day or two, ask your healthcare provider if a laxative is a good option for you. A mild laxative may help .
  • Follow the dosage instructions given to you by your doctor or on the package.
  • To make it easier to have a bowel movement, place a stool under your feet to support them. This will help you flex your hips and pelvis so that you remain in a squat position .
  • Once you've had a bowel movement, a sitz bath can help keep the area clean and relieve any discomfort associated with bowel movements.

Treat the wound and treat the pain

Take antibiotics as directed. In many cases, your healthcare provider will prescribe antibiotics after surgery in case of infection. Be sure to follow all of your doctor's instructions for taking medications. Finish all medications, even if you feel well 

 It is normal to feel pain or tenderness in the anal area. If the pain is uncomfortable but manageable, ask your doctor if you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever. Be sure to follow the dosage instructions .
  • If the pain is severe, ask your doctor for a prescription for a pain reliever. Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions on how to take it.

 This will help ease the discomfort. In fact, a sitz bath is a therapeutic treatment for the genital and anal area. You can take this bath in your bathtub by sitting in eight to ten centimeters of warm water. You can also buy a small basin that can fit over your toilet seat to take your bath. Add sea salt or Epsom salt to the water, then sit in this water for 15 to 20 minutes to take the bath. Pat the area dry .
  • Make sure the water is at a warm temperature that feels therapeutic, but not too hot.
  • After the sitz bath, you can apply a soothing cream.

 Do this daily. Clean the area gently with warm, soapy water. Then, pat it dry gently using a clean towel. If it feels better, sit in a shallow bath three to five times a day for about 20 minutes .
  • Use a baby wipe to clean the area after a bowel movement to keep it clean and dry between showers and baths.
  • Simply use mild soap and warm water. Avoid antiseptics such as alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, which can delay your recovery.

 Do this to find out how to dress the wound. The practitioner may have placed gauze over your wound after surgery. Ask when you can remove it. If the wound is oozing or leaking pus, you can place another gauze over it .
  • Change the bandage once you have cleaned the area.
  • Place a large tampon in your underwear to absorb any discharge.

 This will help soothe the pain. Apply ice to the wound for about twenty minutes at a time several times. It is more comfortable to put a thin cloth between the ice and your skin .
  • Use a ready-made ice pack or bag to store the ice cubes. You could also use a cooling gel pack.

 If you receive proper care, you likely won't have anything to worry about during the recovery process. However, it's essential to be aware of warning signs that indicate something is wrong. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience the following symptoms :
  • increased redness, swelling, or pain;
  • fever;
  • red streaks emanating from the incision;
  • bright red blood seeping into the bandage;
  • a feeling of discomfort in the stomach;
  • the inability to produce intestinal gas.

Recognize symptoms and seek treatment

 Abscesses occur frequently and anyone can develop them. Typically, they occur when the glands near the anus become blocked. This can result from feces or bacteria entering the glands. Trauma, Crohn's disease , and cancer increase the risk of developing an abscess or fistula  .
  • Frequent cycling can also contribute to the formation of a perianal abscess or cause it to reappear
 Signs of developing an abscess include swelling, redness, or tenderness near the anus. You may also experience chills or fever and a general feeling of discomfort.
  • It is important to note that these are general symptoms of other diseases.
 Schedule an appointment with your doctor and explain all your symptoms. Then, ask for an examination. Your doctor can probably diagnose an abscess with a simple physical examination. Occasionally, they may use imaging techniques such as ultrasound or CT scans if they think you are developing a deep fistula.
  • Surgery is the only way to get rid of an abscess or fistula, but it is a simple and very common procedure.


  • Try to get plenty of rest during the healing process. You may sleep more and be less active for several days.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses (240 ml) of water every day.
  • Follow a low-fiber diet for the first few days of healing. Otherwise, eat normally. In case you have an upset stomach, eat soft foods like crackers, soup , or toast  .
  • Discuss with the practitioner if you have any concerns about the surgery.
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