Having open sores on your face can be frustrating because they can't be hidden as easily as on other parts of the body. These sores can appear as a result of acne, herpes, or abrasions. To get rid of them quickly, you should keep them clean, moisturized, and try not to scratch them.
Treat the wound
- Touching the wound with dirty hands can attract dirt and bacteria, which can slow down the healing process.
Clean the wound. Wash the wound on your face with warm water. Do not use hot water, or the wound may start to bleed. Also, do not use soap, as this can irritate the skin. Remove dirt and debris..
- Cleaning the wound also helps remove bacteria that could cause infection.
Apply an ointment. Keeping the wound moist actually helps speed up healing. To do this, use petroleum jelly or an antibacterial ointment. Apply the ointment with clean fingers or a cotton swab
Cover the wound with a bandage. Open wounds are very vulnerable. They are exposed to debris, dirt, and other contaminants that can cause infection. To protect your face and ensure the wound heals faster, you should cover the site with a bandage .
- Choose a breathable dressing, such as gauze. This type of dressing won't block airflow to the wound, which will speed up healing.
- The bandage will help keep the wound moist and speed up its healing.
Keep the skin around the wound clean. To protect the wound and prevent infection, keep the surrounding skin clean. You can clean this area of the face with a cleansing soap or antibacterial
- After cleaning the skin around the injury, it is necessary to dry it and keep it dry.
Consult a doctor
Look for possible signs of infection. Open wounds are prone to infection. Look for possible signs of infection. Symptoms of infection include redness and swelling of the skin or a feeling of warmth around the wound. The presence of pus or colored discharge indicates infection .
- As the infection worsens or spreads, you may also experience fever, chills, or signs of fatigue. In this case, seek medical help immediately.
- Sometimes, a mild facial infection can develop into infectious cellulitis. In this case, the infection penetrates deeper layers of the skin and surrounding tissues, and if left untreated, serious complications can result. Look out for signs such as redness, pain, and swelling, as well as the presence of yellowish or greenish pus.
Consult your doctor if you have any health problems. Some people heal more slowly or are more likely to have complications from an infection, especially those who are obese, diabetic, those with atherosclerosis (a disease that causes obstruction of blood flow), smokers, alcoholics, or those who are very stressed..
- If you are suffering from any of these health problems, you should consult your doctor so that he can examine the wound and advise you on the most appropriate treatment.
Consult your doctor for deep wounds. Only minor wounds should be treated at home. If the wound is deep and has rough or irregular edges, if you are unable to bring the two edges together, or if you are unable to clean the wound properly, consult a doctor. You may need stitches to close the wound or be at risk of infection .
- If the wound does not stop bleeding, you should seek medical attention, as this could be a sign of a more serious problem.
- Also, consult a doctor if the surrounding skin is very swollen, red, and tender to the touch. You may need to take an oral antibiotic.
Take antiviral medications for cold sores. If your sore is caused by the herpes virus, your doctor may prescribe antiviral medications to heal cold sores. These medications are available in tablet or cream form. Tablets generally treat cold sores faster than creams..
- If you don't want to see a doctor, you can buy over-the-counter creams to cure herpes.
Create an environment conducive to healing
Do not apply any pressure to the affected area. Sometimes facial injuries are caused by rubbing an object against the delicate skin. It could be an oxygen tube or even glasses. If the injury appeared for this reason, temporarily eliminate the irritating factor, especially during the healing period .
- If you are unsure of exactly how to proceed, you should seek advice from your doctor.
Increase your protein intake. Nutrition can greatly affect the body's ability to recover. To get rid of facial injuries as quickly as possible, consume more protein. Try to eat more meat, dairy, whole grains, beans, and vegetables..
- Lean meat is an excellent source of protein. Try eating chicken breasts , fish , pork , eggs , lean beef.
- Dairy products also contain high amounts of protein. Greek yogurt , cream cheese, and low-fat cheeses are great snacks that will help increase your protein intake.
- Whole grains, such as quinoa and bulgur, are very rich in protein, as are black beans, lentils , soybeans , or kidney beans. Also eat green vegetables, such as spinach and broccoli .
- Avoid eating junk foods, as they can worsen inflammation and prevent healing.
Take dietary supplements. One way to help facial wounds heal faster is to boost your immune system by taking dietary supplements such as vitamins C, B, D, and E. Fish oil and zinc also aid the healing process and can prevent skin infections
Avoid scratching the scabs. When the wound begins to heal, avoid scratching the scabs. Doing so could slow the healing process and cause scarring. Leave the wound undisturbe.
- Continue to apply petroleum jelly to the skin to moisturize the scab.
Do not apply harsh solutions to the wound. When treating wounds, do not attempt to clean them with harsh solutions. This can further damage the tissues and cause irritation of the wound, which will slow down the healing process..
- Do not use hydrogen peroxide, antibacterial, or iodine solutions.
Avoid over-tensing your facial muscles. As the wound heals, you should limit the movement of the muscles around the wound. Over-tensing your muscles can irritate and stretch the wound, which can slow down the healing process .
- Avoid smiling , chewing gum, or moving your muscles while speaking. Limit your movements during the healing phase.
Apply an ice pack. If the affected area swells, try using cold compresses. Wrap a cold compress or ice pack in a towel and place it on the wound for 10 to 20 minutes. You can repeat the treatment several times a day.
- Never apply ice directly to the injury, as the cold can cause frostbite.
Stay away from heat sources. To avoid irritation and swelling around the wound, you should stay away from heat sources. Do not wash your face with hot water or take a hot shower. Also, avoid using heating pads, eating hot or spicy foods, and drinking hot liquids
Use natural remedies
Apply chamomile compresses. This plant stimulates the healing process thanks to its antibiotic and antiseptic properties. . Soak a cloth in warm chamomile tea and press it against the wound .
- You can also apply cool tea bags directly to the wound.
Try aloe vera . Aloe vera has healing properties and can be used to treat skin lesions. Try applying an ointment containing aloe vera. You can also cut a piece of aloe leaf from the plant. Spread the sap from the leaf on your wound
Try tea tree oil . This essential oil has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. To use it on the wound, add a few drops of this oil to 250 ml of warm water, soak a cotton ball in the solution, and apply it to the wound..
- Since tea tree oil is quite potent, you need to dilute it with water.
- Before applying this oil to the wound, do it on a small area of skin first. Some people are sensitive to tea tree oil.
Use essential oils . Various essential oils promote the healing of skin lesions. Mix a few drops of an essential oil of your choice with a base oil, such as olive or almond oil.
- Essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, clove, rosemary, and chamomile have antibacterial, antiseptic, and antimicrobial properties. They can be used to disinfect and heal wounds.
Personal Care