How to Reduce Pain When Getting Braces Tightened

How to Reduce Pain When Getting Braces Tightened

You may experience significant discomfort when your braces are tightened. The first few hours can be very painful, whether it's your first time or not. You can prevent and treat the pain and discomfort associated with braces by using several strategies. For example, you can eat soft foods, take over-the-counter medications, or use wax to cover the sharp parts of the braces

Stay calm before and after

 If you feel anxious, tell him so he can adjust to it  .
  • Dentists and orthodontists are used to dealing with their patients' anxiety.
  • He will explain the procedure to you and help you manage your anxiety.
  • He might also suggest ways to calm your nervousness.

Practice deep breathing . This will distract you while helping reduce your anxiety 
  • If you feel more relaxed, you will suffer less.
  • Breathe in slowly through your nose.
  • Pause before exhaling slowly.
  • Continue breathing slowly and rhythmically. Concentrate on this exercise and you will no longer think about what the dentist is doing.

 Bring your iPod, phone, or MP3 player so you can listen to music or a podcast
  • Choose soothing music rather than something loud and energetic.
  • Alternatively, you can also listen to an audiobook.
  • Bring headphones so other patients don't hear your music.
  • Prepare a playlist so you have enough music to survive the entire procedure.
  • Some dentists or orthodontists might also have a television installed that you can watch or play music in the background to distract you.
  • Some dentists now even have virtual reality headsets that you can wear to distract yourself while they tighten your braces.

 Caffeine can make you jittery and feverish. It can also prevent the anesthetic from working, which may not properly numb your gums and teeth.
  • Here are some drinks that contain caffeine: coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks.
  • Drink plenty of water before the appointment.
  • Make sure to avoid sugary drinks or foods before the appointment.

 Make sure there are no pieces of metal sticking out of the rings before you leave. The best time to address this is during the appointment, before you go home .
  • Ask your dentist or orthodontist to cut off any excess metal to prevent it from hurting your mouth.
  • If it's the braces that are causing the discomfort, ask him to apply a little dental wax to them to prevent irritation.
  • Remember that it is normal for the braces to feel tighter and for your teeth to feel some discomfort at the end of the procedure.

Taking over-the-counter medications

 Before taking any medication, even one sold without a prescription, you should check with your doctor
  • There are several medications you can try, for example paracetamol, ibuprofen or aspirin.
  • Check the dose you can take.
  • Do not exceed the number of doses in a 24-hour period as indicated on the package.
  • Do not take medication more often than recommended.
  • These medications may help relieve some of the pain caused by moving teeth, but you may still experience some discomfort.
  • Take the pain reliever with you so you have some if you need it.

 This way, it will have enough time to start working before the procedure.
  • Make sure to take the recommended amount with at least 250 ml of water.
  • This should help reduce swelling and discomfort during the appointment.
  • After the appointment, take a full dose of pain reliever according to the package directions.
  • Continue taking it regularly for 24 hours after the procedure to help reduce pain the following day.
  • Avoid chewable tablets, as they will be difficult to chew if you're in pain and may also stick to your braces. Liquid pain relievers are best

 These are usually sold in gel form and can be found in most pharmacies.
  • Examples of products are Oragel and Anbesol.
  • The gel will anesthetize the areas it comes into contact with, such as the gums and teeth.
  • Most of them are flavored, but some might have an unpleasant taste.
  • Apply the gel to sensitive and painful areas of the mouth.
  • Use a cotton swab to apply and spread it.
  • Try not to get any on your tongue. You won't feel it anymore and you might bite it without realizing it.

Reduce pain without medication

 You should avoid any foods that require extensive chewing
  • Eat soft foods for the first 24 hours after the braces have been tightened.
  • Eat foods like jelly , pudding , mashed potatoes , applesauce , soups , and smoothies .
  • If you have to eat something that you need to chew thoroughly, cut it into small pieces to minimize chewing as much as possible.
  • Use a small spoon or fork (preferably plastic or wooden) while eating to avoid hitting your teeth on the cutlery.

 You can use ice packs applied to your face and teeth or drink cold water
  • Use a cold gel pack. Hold it in place on your cheeks for fifteen minutes.
  • Drink plenty of cold water through a straw.
  • The cold water will numb the teeth and reduce gum inflammation.
  • Do not drink or eat hot things immediately after drinking very cold water, this can damage your rings and increase pain.

 Use a recommended mouthwash or salt water .
  • Mix one teaspoon of table salt into a glass of warm water.
  • Rinse your mouth with it for about 60 seconds.
  • It might sting any scrapes or sores caused by the rings, but you'll keep them clean and speed up healing this way.
  • Do the same with a mouthwash recommended by your dentist.

Brush your teeth with a soft brush. Using your regular toothbrush may increase the discomfort you feel
  • Remember to brush your teeth and braces at least twice a day.
  • Use toothpaste for sensitive teeth.
  • This toothpaste can help you reduce sensitivity and pain in your teeth after tightening braces.

Use dental wax on braces . If there are metal bits sticking out of the braces and damaging your mouth, wax will help protect your cheeks, lips, and gums .
  • Ask your dentist or orthodontist for some. You can also buy them at a pharmacy.
  • Apply a small amount to braces and any metal bits that stick out after brushing your teeth.
  • Remove the wax before brushing your teeth at night.
  • Discard used wax, as bacteria may have accumulated in it.
  • Try sleeping without dental wax, but if you have a brace that's really causing problems, you can leave it in overnight.
  • Keep the box of wax with you during the day to reapply if necessary.

 This is especially helpful if your teeth are sensitive to cold. Generally, this gel helps prevent cavities and tooth sensitivity. For some products, you may need a prescription; you should talk to your dentist before purchasing it .
  • There are also fluoride gels that your dentist can apply to your teeth twice a year. Discuss this option with your dentist if you are concerned about tooth sensitivity or possible cavities  


  • Make sure you have plenty of soft foods at home that you can eat after the procedure.
  • If you experience exceptionally high discomfort, call your orthodontist. They may want to readjust your braces.
  • Do not take more anti-inflammatory medication than recommended.
  • Drink plenty of cold water after the appointment.
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