How to Relieve Eye Pain Quickly: Effective Remedies and Prevention Tips

How to Relieve Eye Pain Quickly: Effective Remedies and Prevention Tips

 Having eye pain can be annoying and distressing. This problem can usually be resolved with a simple, generic treatment. However, sometimes the pain is caused by something else (allergies, an infection , or eye strain) and requires more specific treatment. If you're unsure about how to relieve your eye pain, see your doctor or an eye specialist, such as an ophthalmologist or optometrist.

Treating eye pain in general

 If you haven't already, rinse your eyes with a commercial eye wash or water if that's what you have. If the pain is due to a contaminant, such as dirt, this should be enough to provide relief. Make sure the temperature of the water or solution is between 16 and 38 degrees Celsius. If you want to use water, opt for bottled or sterile water. Also, make sure you take steps to prevent your eyes from coming into contact with irritants, contaminants, or bacteria, as this makes them vulnerable to infections and other ailments 
  • If your eyes come into contact with a contaminant and you need to rinse them, call a poison control center (+33 1 40 05 48 48) and seek immediate specialist help in case there is a chemical burn or other infectant. You will be told whether you need to rinse your eyes 
  • Note the following instructions for eye washing.
    • For mildly irritating chemicals ( shampoo or soap), rinse eyes for 5 minutes.
    • For moderate to severe irritants (e.g., chili peppers), rinse for at least twenty minutes.
    • For non-penetrating corrosives such as acids (e.g., battery acid), rinse the eye for 20 minutes. Then call a poison control center and seek medical attention.
    • For penetrating corrosive products, including alkalis (such as drain cleaner or bleach), rinse the eye for one hour. Then call a poison control center and get medical attention.

 These products help eliminate redness or itching in the eyes. They also relieve dry eyes by replacing the tear film, which helps keep the eye moist and distribute tears evenly across the eye. Artificial eye drops are available without a prescription and come in several brands. To find the product that works best for your eyes, you can either try several products or consult a doctor. Sometimes you may need to combine a few brands. For chronic dry eye, it is important to use artificial tears even if the eye is not showing any symptoms. Each product has specific usage conditions, so follow the instructions on the label .
  • Artificial tears can only serve as a supplemental treatment. They cannot replace real tears. They are useful for those who suffer from dry eyes.
  • Preservative-free eye drops reduce the risk of sensitivity or allergies in already dry eyes. This also prevents further eye irritation.
  • Over-the-counter drops can be administered as many times as needed, but it is usually between 4 and 6 times a day.

 It's important to give your eyes a break from time to time by avoiding any strong light sources. To do this, you can either cover your eyes with a mask, the kind some people use to sleep, or stay in a dark room. A few hours in the dark will be enough to relieve the pain caused by prolonged exposure to light..
  • If possible, try to avoid watching TV or working on a computer for at least a day. Eye strain caused by constantly watching TV or working on a computer can lead to itchy or dry eyes. Eye fatigue is usually felt after 3 or 4 hours of screen time. If you want more proactive tips, read the second method.

 Wet compresses can quickly relieve pain because they help constrict the blood vessels in your eyes, making them appear less irritated. They also help reduce pain caused by injuries by reducing stimulation of the nerves that end in your eyes. You can make your own compresses.
  • Take a cup of fresh water and a clean spoon. Make sure your hands are clean, as are the instruments you use, to prevent bacteria from entering your eyes. Dip the spoon into the cup and wait a few minutes. Then take it out and place it on your eye. Repeat with the other eye. A spoon is recommended because it keeps the eye fresher longer than a towel or cloth.
  • Place some ice in a bag or wrap a few ice packs in a clean towel. Gently place the compress on one eye and leave it there for 5 minutes. Repeat with the other eye. Never place ice directly on your eyes, as this can not only destroy the delicate skin around your eyes, but also damage them. Place the compress on the eye for 5 to 15 or 20 minutes. Do not apply too much pressure.

 If you wear them, remove them and put on your glasses for a while. Contact lenses can cause itchy or dry eyes if they aren't properly seated on your cornea or aren't sufficiently lubricated.
  • After removing the lens, check it for any cracks or dirt. Get another one if the one you have has any problems.
  • If you're one of those who wears contact lenses, you should know that there are better types of lenses that prevent your eyes from drying out quickly. Ask your ophthalmologist for more information and to show you some examples.

 If the pain is so severe that you can't do anything, get checked out immediately. Severe eye pain isn't something you take lightly, and it could be a sign of a more serious problem. It's best to err on the side of caution and see a doctor. However, if the pain has been going on for several days or weeks, then it's much more serious than just dirt in your eye. Your doctor can help you determine the problem and recommend appropriate treatment.
  • If you notice that your eyeball appears to be scratched or you notice other symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, headache, or visual disturbances, go to the emergency room immediately.

Determine the problem

How to Relieve Eye Pain Quickly: Effective Remedies and Prevention Tips

See if you're suffering from eye strain . Think about how much time you spend in front of a screen each day. Eye strain caused by constantly watching TV or being on a computer all the time can lead to itchy or dry eyes. This strain is usually due to blinking less, looking at a screen too close (less than 20 cm away), or not wearing prescribed lenses even though you need them. The problem of eye strain is increasingly noticed, due to the proliferation of screens (televisions, computers, and more recently, smartphones).
  • Symptoms include a feeling of having a grain of sand in the eye, pain, itching and dryness of the eyes and a feeling of tired eyes.
  • To combat eye strain, you can take preventative measures and follow treatment. Click here for more information on treatment.

 Your eye pain is likely caused by an infection, including conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye. If your eye becomes pink and slightly cloudy, you likely have conjunctivitis. Symptoms include discharge from the eyes (oozing pus or increased tears), pain in the face of light, and fever, depending on the causative agent. Conjunctivitis is a common, yet uncomfortable, condition that can be treated either at home with antibiotics or in the hospital. This depends on the type of infection and its severity. Click here for more information.
  • Another infection you may have is a stye. It's an eyelid infestation caused by bacteria from eye makeup or a blockage of the eyelid glands by a contact lens. Symptoms include hypersensitivity to light, pain when blinking, and eye redness. Removing the blockage is usually as simple as placing a warm compress on the eye for 20 minutes, 4 to 6 times a day.

 Allergies are one of the most common conditions that can cause eye pain and irritation. When you have an allergy, your body mistakes a normal, harmless substance for a threat and reacts by producing excessive amounts of histamine. This can cause itching and swelling. You may even experience itchy, watery eyes. If you notice these symptoms, click here.
  • Itchy eyes aren't usually the only symptom of allergies. If you're experiencing itching elsewhere on your body, a runny nose, and sneezing, you're likely suffering from allergies .
  • Most people with allergies find that their symptoms are more severe in the fall or spring, when pollen is most prevalent. Others may find that their anaphylaxis is caused by animals, such as dogs or cats 

 It's important for your ophthalmologist to be aware of any pain you're experiencing in order to make a clear diagnosis and treat you. If symptoms worsen or become increasingly bothersome, see your doctor immediately to avoid any further serious complications.

Treating eye pain caused by screens

How to Relieve Eye Pain Quickly: Effective Remedies and Prevention Tips

 Stop watching TV or working on the computer for a while. Instead of watching TV, opt for a book instead. Force your eyes to focus on something other than a screen. If you have to be on a computer to work, take plenty of breaks throughout the day.
  • Try the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, stop looking at the screen and focus on something else 6 meters away for about 20 seconds. If you're working, consider doing something else during that time, like filing files or making a call.
  • Get up and take a walk if possible. You can also lean back and close your eyes for a few minutes.

 This movement produces tears that rehydrate and refresh your eyes. Many people don't blink enough while at a computer, which can cause dry eyes. Since many people blink less while working on a computer, dry eyes can be a result of spending long periods of time in front of a computer.
  • Try to pay attention to how many times you blink and make sure you do it more often.
 Reduce your screen's brightness. The default brightness setting on most computers is too bright, which can cause unnecessary pain. Lower the brightness if you're in a dark place, and lower it if you're in a bright place. This will ensure the light you see reaches a normal level. Also, check your screen's brightness. Too much brightness can cause eye pain because your eyes have to strain harder to see what's on it. To check this, turn off your screen. This will allow you to see the reflected light and assess the brightness's range..
  • When watching television, make sure to dimly light the room with one or two lamps. This is better than creating a huge contrast between a dark room and a brightly lit television.
  • Before going to sleep, avoid working on your computer or looking at your phone. The bright screen contrasting with the dark room will hurt your eyes. This, in turn, will dry out your eyes and make it difficult to fall asleep.

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