How to Treat an Allergic Reaction to Flea and Tick Preventatives

How to Treat an Allergic Reaction to Flea and Tick Preventatives

Preventing parasites is essential to protecting your pet's health and the well-being of your family. However, be aware that some pets may experience allergic reactions to products given to prevent tick and flea infestations. These reactions may be due to an existing allergy or to factors related to the product that was given. For example, some pets may develop an adverse reaction to a product if it is given on the same day they receive vaccinations or other medications. If your pet develops an allergy, you can reduce the effects by removing any residue from the product (if it is topical) and taking your pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Identify an allergic reaction

 Some pets that are given preventative medications for these parasites may develop an allergic reaction to the area where the product was applied. The symptoms may spread to other parts of their body as the condition worsens. If yours develops such a reaction, call your veterinarian as soon as possible . Here are some symptoms of skin allergies that may occur:

  • hives;
  • hair loss at the application site;
  • congestion or sneezing;
  • excessive itching and scratching;
  • unusual sensitivity;
  • trauma;
  • respiratory problems.

 Topical treatments to prevent infestation are not the only possible danger. Some dogs that receive oral treatments may have adverse digestive reactions to these products. You should contact your veterinarian immediately if your dog reacts to such a treatment. Digestive problems are usually signs of an allergic reaction to these products. These include:
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • a loss of appetite.
 Some dogs and cats develop a condition called flea allergy dermatitis. This is actually a hypersensitivity to flea saliva that can be caused by occasional exposure to fleas  [2] .
  • Signs of this allergy in dogs include thick skin, hair loss, redness and hot spots characterized by the formation of a red, moist area that is sensitive to inflammation on their back, tail, thighs and belly.
  • It can be more difficult to diagnose in cats. Typically, symptoms include hair loss caused by excessive and frequent licking (especially on the back) and tiny red scabs on the back. However, keep in mind that these scabs are not always present.
  • If you suspect your pet is developing an allergic reaction to a flea bite, you should talk to your veterinarian about the safest way to avoid these parasites. They may also prescribe antibiotics to fight skin infections or prescribe medicated shampoos to treat inflammation.

 If your pet is very sensitive to tick and flea preventatives or if you have accidentally given him an excessive dose (including by combining several products), contact your veterinarian immediately. If a pet becomes poisoned by an overdose, he will need immediate medical attention. [3]. Here are some common signs of poisoning that occur in animals:
  • hypersalivation and/or excessive drooling;
  • dilated pupils;
  • tremors;
  • vomiting;
  • chills;
  • skin irritation;
  • hiding from people.

Treating an allergic reaction

 The first thing to do in this case is to remove all product residue left on his body by washing him in a bathtub or shower. However, this should be done as soon as possible, as this will minimize the adverse effects related to the allergy. [4].
  • Use a mild soap to wash all areas where the product has been applied.
  • Rinse the area thoroughly with plenty of water to remove all soap residue (and product).
  • Gently pat dry with a clean, dry towel. You should be very careful when drying the area where the product has been applied, as you could cause skin sensitivity in your pet.
 Whether he is suffering from topical or digestive reactions, it is essential to take this precaution, and as soon as possible. Indeed, the vet will be able to treat any unwanted side effects related to the allergic reaction he develops and can recommend other preventative treatments.

 Your veterinarian may suggest medications or topical treatments to help reduce any side effects he may be experiencing. Follow his or her advice and be sure to read the instructions on any products recommended or prescribed.

How to Safely Avoid Ticks and Fleas

 When using a tick and flea preventative, it is essential that you follow the directions carefully. You should always read them before administering it. Even if you have used it before, be aware that the directions or instructions for use may have changed. [5].
  • Use only one application per animal. Also, you need to make sure it is the correct animal for which the product is intended, as dogs and cats will need different products.
  • Choose the right size product and apply the correct dose each time. For example, do not try to divide a dose intended for a large dog to give to two small dogs or use two doses intended for small dogs on a large dog.
  • Monitor your pet carefully after receiving any of these treatments to ensure that no unwanted side effects occur.
  • Always try to consult your veterinarian before using these products on animals that are old, weak, sick, nursing, or already taking other medications. Ask your veterinarian how you can prevent flea and tick infestation in animals that have had allergic reactions in the past.
 In fact, the timing of your pet's administration of these types of products can affect how he or she will react to them. Many pets who develop adverse reactions have these problems when the product is administered too soon before or after vaccines or other products.
  • If you need to give him multiple medications, space them out by at least 7 days. If you need to take him to the vet, you need to make sure he doesn't get a vaccination on the same day you used a flea and tick product.
  • Abnormal body temperature can also cause adverse reactions to these products. Never administer them immediately after bathing, anesthesia or taking a sedative 

 Pets who have an adverse reaction to one type of product may tolerate other treatments. For example, if your pet is not doing well after you give him a topical product, try an oral product. If the oral product is causing problems, then try giving him a topical product .
  • If he has had problems in the past, you should always consult your veterinarian before giving him any preventative treatment against these parasites.
  • Give oral products with food. This can help reduce the risk of developing digestive upset.
  • Some experts suggest giving an over-the-counter antacid (such as famotidine) shortly before giving oral preventative medication.
 Some pets with severe allergies to oral and topical products may need non-drug treatment. While natural options are technically non-drug, you should always consult your veterinarian before administering them to your pet. Look for veterinarians who specialize in holistic treatments by doing a little research online or in your local phone book. Here are some natural options your veterinarian may recommend to help prevent fleas and ticks:
  • black walnut extract (Juglans nigra);
  • quassia bark;
  • diatomaceous earth;
  • essential oils.
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