How to Treat Bowed Legs and Correct Leg Alignment Without Surgery

How to Treat Bowed Legs and Correct Leg Alignment Without Surgery

Bow legs, also called 
genu varum , is a disorder that involves an unusual outward curve of the legs at the knees. Patients with this condition have a curved tibia and sometimes a curved femur  . Bow legs can be a normal developmental stage for children under three years of age. However, if the disorder persists and does not resolve naturally, treatment may be necessary.

Treating bowed legs in children

How to Treat Bowed Legs and Correct Leg Alignment Without Surgery

 If your child is younger than three, bowed legs should resolve on their own. Monitor their growth and development to make sure their legs become straight. If you notice anything abnormal about their gait when they begin to walk, you should discuss it with a pediatrician .
  • Be aware that most pediatricians will advise you to wait and see what happens in the case of a young child with bowed legs.
  • The most important thing is to have it checked regularly by your doctor to ensure that intervention (for example, splinting or in severe cases, surgery) is implemented early enough if the problem does not resolve itself.

 Rickets, caused by a lack of vitamin D in the diet, is one of the factors that can lead to the development of bowed legs. Increasing your child's vitamin D intake if it is too low could prevent rickets and help correct the problem of bowed legs if it has already developed .
  • Be aware that a vitamin D deficiency is not the cause of bowed legs unless your child has been found to have low vitamin D levels during testing.
  • In other words, it can be the cause of bowed legs, but the two disorders do not necessarily go hand in hand.
  • It is advisable to check his vitamin D levels to make sure everything is normal and if there is a problem, to give him food supplements.

 Certain braces, shoes, or splints are used to treat bowed legs in young children if the condition does not seem to resolve on its own as they grow. They are only used in severe cases or if the child has another condition along with the condition. The child will keep the brace in place until the bones have straightened 
  • Be aware that this type of treatment is only used in severe cases.
  • If necessary, your doctor may recommend an orthopedic surgeon to continue treatment, such as surgery, in cases that cannot be corrected with a device or splint

 If you let your child's bow legs progress into adolescence, the condition will become much more complex. The pressure on the leg joints will increase due to the changing shape of the legs and knees. This can lead to pain in the ankles, hips, and knees. This may make it difficult for them to perform prolonged physical exercise, and it increases the risk of developing arthritis in later years due to the more rapid wear and tear on their joints

Treating bowed legs in adolescents and adults

How to Treat Bowed Legs and Correct Leg Alignment Without Surgery

 In adolescents and adults with severe cases, surgery is often the only option. The surgeon will change the way the bones rest on the knee by correcting the curve of the leg and reducing pressure on the cartilage. Your doctor will be able to tell you if you are a potential candidate for surgery .
  • Surgery can reduce pain and pressure on the knee.
  • Complete recovery can take up to a year.

 Once you have undergone surgery to correct the disorder, you will likely need to wear a splint to heal. The time it takes for healing varies from person to person

 Your doctor will likely direct you to see a physical therapist after surgery. They will work with you to help maintain and regain strength and range of motion in your leg  
  • The physiotherapist can also help you heal as well as possible after surgery.
  • Although surgery can correct bowed legs, it is a very difficult operation that requires some healing time.

Learn more about the disorder

How to Treat Bowed Legs and Correct Leg Alignment Without Surgery

 When babies are born, their knees and legs are not fully formed. As they grow, the cartilage around the knees hardens and becomes bone, which helps support them while they walk. However, if a child over three years old or an adult has bowed legs, they need treatment .
  • Bowed legs should disappear after the age of three.
  • This becomes an unusual thing in children over three years old and adults.
  • Diagnosis and treatment in older children and adults are necessary to correct the disorder.
  • Early treatment leads to better results.
  • Only severe cases in children over three years of age and adults require treatment.

 There are several causes that can be responsible for the development of this disorder in an individual. This can be due to an injury or illness, and treatments will vary depending on the cause involved. Consult the following list to learn about the most common causes.  :
  • an injury, fracture, or trauma that has not healed properly
  • an abnormality of bone development that can cause the disorder
  • lead poisoning
  • Some cases may be the result of a case of rickets caused by a lack of vitamin D
  • Blount's disease may also be responsible

 The doctor will be able to correctly diagnose a case of bowed legs and discover the cause. By visiting his office, you will also be able to learn more about the best treatments and the results you can expect from following them 
  • The doctor will probably order an X-ray to see the extent of the bone curve.
  • The degree of bone curvature will also be measured. In a young individual, several measurements could be taken to determine whether this curvature is worsening.
  • The doctor may order a blood test to detect a case of rickets.


  • Only severe cases of bow legs require treatment.
  • If detected early enough, as it develops, it is possible to treat this disorder quickly and effectively.
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