How to Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Effective Relief and Prevention Tips

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) affecting the wrist is most often multifactorial. It can be caused by trauma or injury to the wrist, an overactive pituitary gland, hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, handling vibrating tools, etc. It manifests as pain, numbness, and tingling in the fingers. All of these symptoms are caused by compression of the median nerve. At the wrist, the median nerve passes inside the carpal tunnel on the anterior surface of the wrist 

Using a Kinesiology Tape

 This should be a length that goes from the crease of the elbow to the middle of the fingers (the palm facing upwards). Fold one of the ends back on itself to a length of three centimeters. Using a pair of scissors, cut two triangles on this doubled part to later fit two fingers. When you unfold this end, you will have two diamonds  .
  • These two holes should be side by side, spaced only one centimeter apart in the narrowest part.
  • This end will be considered the anchoring part of the bandage.

 Remove the protective film from this cut-out area only. Place your arm flat, palm up, then slide your two middle fingers into the two holes. The adhesive side should be on the inside of the wrist  .
  • Press carefully with your fingers to ensure the adhesive holds securely.

 It will be applied to the wrist and forearm. Since you will need to keep your forearm and wrist aligned, you may need help to make a good bandage. The wrist should remain flat. Remove the film from the adhesive as you apply it to the forearm .
  • To properly apply the bandage, simply place your hand firmly on a table, palm up. Then use your other hand to bend your wrist to a right angle.
  • There's no need to pull the bandage or apply too much pressure when applying it. You simply peel off the protective film and apply it to the skin, pressing gently to ensure it stays in place.
  • When you extend your hand, you will notice that there are folds and ripples at the wrist. This is normal: this is what will give you a certain freedom of movement.

 Its length will be the same as the first piece and its cut will be the same with the two holes. The difference is that this time the bandage will be on the back of the hand and forearm. You will therefore place your hand, palm down .
  • As with the first piece of adhesive, remove the film from the adhesive at the fingertips and slide your middle fingers into the two holes.
  • Press carefully with your fingers to ensure the adhesive holds securely.

 As before, bend your hand at the wrist, but this time, your hand will be palm down. Carefully peel off the protective film as you go and simply apply it to your skin, pressing down a little to hold it in place .
  • There is no need to pull on the bandage or apply too much pressure when applying it.

 This piece will be exactly the same length as the first two, except that there is no need to make two holes. To prepare, you need to cut the protective film in the middle of the strip (crosswise) like a traditional adhesive bandage 

 Place your arm flat, hand outstretched, palm up. Position the third piece at the wrist, with the sticky part on the skin side. The cut made in the bandage should be on the wrist. You will remove the first half of the adhesive and place it on the skin. Once done, do the same on the other side with the second half. Given the width of the adhesive, it may extend a little over the palm 
  • Again, there is no need to pull on the bandage or apply too much pressure when applying it.
  • The two ends of the adhesive at the end of the winding may overlap.

 Your wrist and hand should be able to move in all directions. The goal is to open the carpal tunnel so that the pressure on the median nerve is relieved. The reason we advised you not to stretch the bandage was to avoid adding additional pressure to the existing pressure on the nerve. It is also so that you can maintain your freedom of movement at that level. If you feel that it is too tight, you should re-do the bandage

Use non-elastic adhesive tape

How to Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Effective Relief and Prevention Tips

 You'll need to buy a non-elastic, rigid adhesive tape at least 35 mm wide, like the kind used by some athletes. With this type of tape, you'll need to first apply a protective, hypoallergenic strip in contact with the skin. This will prevent any skin irritation beneath the tape.
  • To make removing the bandage easier, you should shave the entire area where it will be applied. Do this the day before to allow the skin to recover from shaving.
  • It is the rigidity of the bandage that will prevent you from having pain, painful movements being greatly limited.
  • Before applying the bandage, wash your hands and wrists thoroughly.

 The first piece of adhesive should be wrapped around the wrist, much like a bracelet. The second piece of adhesive should be wrapped around the palm and back of the hand, as close to the thumb as possible. The adhesive should be applied normally, i.e., without tightening. This is because blood circulation should not be interrupted.
  • As for the length of the individual pieces, there's no need to cut them too long. If the adhesive is good quality, a single wrap (wrist or hand) with an overlap of two or three centimeters is enough.

 First, place your wrist in a neutral position (the wrist is relaxed). Cut a first length of adhesive strip so that it can be placed on the back of the hand, from the space between the thumb and the hand to the outside of the wrist. Cut a second one that will go from the base of your little finger to the inside edge of the wrist: you have thus drawn an X on the back of your hand, your fingers must remain free of movement.
  • To position your wrist correctly, place your hand flat, palm down, then tilt your hand upwards about thirty degrees.

 It is a bandage that, even if it is well made, is quite restrictive, which is why it should not be left in place for more than two days. If, before this time, you feel tingling in the hand (cut off circulation) or if you are in pain, you must remove your bandage. To remove the bandage, you can either cut it with a pair of round-tipped scissors or a pair of nursing scissors, or by undoing it from one edge.
  • Pull your different bands in the opposite direction to the one you are laying them on, otherwise it will hurt more and be more difficult.
  • To ensure that the removal is done without too much difficulty, it is often necessary to stretch the skin by pulling it in the opposite direction to the tearing.

Treating a CTS without a bandage

How to Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Effective Relief and Prevention Tips

 There hasn't been any formal evidence that there's a direct link between frequent keyboard and mouse use and carpal tunnel syndrome. However, it has been noted that using these two objects increases pain in cases where the syndrome is already present. Therefore, if you work with these devices or others that put similar demands on your wrists, you should take breaks from time to time to avoid reaching the point of pain..
  • These breaks would be useless without additional treatments.
  • During the break, you should take the opportunity to do some broad stretching movements with your hands and wrists to keep them flexible and mobile.
  • When working on a keyboard, remember to lay your wrists flat, avoid creating an angle between your hands and wrists.
 Cold helps reduce inflammation. An ice pack or a damp towel stored in the refrigerator can temporarily relieve wrist pain. Apply the ice pack for about fifteen minutes. As with any ice application, wrap the pack in a towel to avoid burning the skin. 
  • Try to keep your wrist warm as much as possible. Cold weather tends to make the wrist more painful and makes it less flexible. For whatever you're doing, if possible, try wearing warm mittens

 Carpal tunnel syndrome tends to be more pronounced during sleep for some people. These people sleep with their wrists bent, which doesn't help matters. That's why it's recommended that they wear a brace that keeps their wrists straight at night.
  • The orthosis is available for both hands and is adjustable, the aim being to give the hand and wrist a normal position.
  • Be careful not to sleep on your hands. The pressure created will only add to the pain already present

Try yoga . This gentle practice can relieve pain and increase wrist strength within eight weeks. Results begin to appear much sooner . It requires targeted exercises that strengthen the wrist, loosen the muscles and tendons in the area, and rebalance the joints

 Specific massages will be performed by a physiotherapist. Pain relief will come from increased blood circulation, which will "cleanse" the area of ​​substances that cause inflammation. Each massage lasts about thirty minutes. It's only after three or four sessions that you'll begin to feel the benefits of this practice.

 In some cases, the symptoms of this condition are pain triggered by painful points, also called "knots." While these can be located in the wrist or forearm, they can also be found far away, such as in the shoulders or neck. When you press from above, you then experience "referred" pain. From there, simply pressing on them is enough to feel the pain and symptoms of CTS. Surprisingly, applying moderate pressure to these trigger points for about 30 seconds (a sort of self-massage) will reduce pain and discomfort. You can treat all the trigger points you have identified in this way. The treatment involves doing this once a day until the pain disappears.

 In some cases, the discomfort and pain caused by a CTS can be improved by physical therapy sessions, but this is only a last resort before surgery. Through gentle hand movements, the physical therapist can relieve the pressure on the median nerve. It is also possible, still in the office, to relieve pain with an ultrasound device that will warm the wrist area; this heat will significantly reduce pain or discomfort.
  • These methods must be continued diligently for several weeks before obtaining a satisfactory result.

 These include ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, etc.), which is effective in relieving the pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. These anti-inflammatory drugs are mostly available over the counter, with generics being less expensive than the original brands..
  • Always tell your doctor if you plan to take a new medication.

 These are substances injected directly into the wrist to combat inflammation and swelling. If this is successful, the pressure on the median nerve is reduced, and therefore the pain is significantly reduced..
  • While corticosteroids can be taken orally, they are not as effective as injections.

 Discuss it with your doctor in complete confidence. The procedure is only performed on people whose syndrome has been very severe and constant for many weeks. It involves making an incision in the skin of the inner wrist and cutting the ligament there to free the nerve. The brief operation (a few minutes) can be performed endoscopically or conventionally, with an incision of a few centimeters..
  • Endoscopic surgery involves inserting a tiny camera into the wrist, followed by equally tiny tools to cut the ligament and cauterize it. It's a much less invasive surgery than conventional surgery. Scars will be virtually invisible, and recovery is much faster.
  • Conventional surgery is performed by making an incision about three centimeters long in the palm of the hand and completely opening the ligament. Once the incision is made, the surgeon cuts the ligament to relieve pressure on the nerve. This is an invasive technique and recovery is quite lengthy. Without physical therapy, the scar may be visible.
  • There may be some after-effects after the procedure. The ligament resection may be incomplete, resulting in some pain, although less. A nerve may be damaged if handled incorrectly, and there is always the possibility of infection due to the opening. The surgeon who will operate on you will explain all of this to you during the preliminary visit, but will also reassure you. The final decision will be yours to make with full knowledge of the facts


  • For the first time, you can have the bandage applied by a nurse. Just watch carefully how she does it, then you can do your own bandages .
  • Kinesiology tape can be purchased at pharmacies, sports stores, and of course, online (e.g., Amazon).
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