The Best Way to Clean Plastic Glasses Without Damaging the Lenses

The Best Way to Clean Plastic Glasses Without Damaging the Lenses

Since you probably wear your plastic glasses every day, it's normal for them to get dirty or for the lenses to become dusty. You can easily clean them with things you probably have on hand at home. You can use a cleaning spray or soap and water, and you can protect them from dust and fingerprints by handling them less and keeping them in a safe place when you're not wearing them.

Use soap and water

 Grasp your glasses by the frame and use a clean, dry microfiber cloth to wipe each lens. Remove any visible dirt or dust to make cleaning easier

 Use a mild, fragrance-free, dye-free dish soap as a cleaning agent. Pour a drop onto each glass .
  • Do not use moisturizing soaps, as they can leave streaks and residue on your lenses.

 Run your fingers under warm running water and use them to gently rub the dish soap onto the lenses and frames. Wash the front and back of each lens, paying special attention to any areas that are dirty or greasy .
  • The inside of your glasses, near your nose, is often greasy and dirtier than the rest of the surface. Pay special attention to this area when cleaning.

 Again, grasp your glasses by the frame and run them under warm running water. Make sure to rinse off all soap residue so the lenses can dry without streaks 

 Swish your glasses over the sink to remove excess water and use a clean, dry microfiber cloth to dry the lenses. Be careful not to rub too hard, as the lenses may become streaky as they dry .
  • If your glasses dry with streaks, this may indicate soap residue. Run them under warm water again to see if the streaks disappear.

 The lenses will be less prone to scratches and damage. Try to clean them at least once a week or as soon as you notice a buildup of dirt or oil 

Clean your glasses with a cleaning spray

 Use a clean, dry microfiber cloth to remove all traces of dirt, dust, etc. Try to remove as much as possible before you start cleaning, especially if you are using an eyeglass cleaning spray .
  • If you don't have a microfiber cloth handy, you can remove dirt and dust by gently blowing on it.

 Hold the eyeglass spray about 2.5 cm from your lenses. Cover them completely with the product, paying special attention to areas that are very dirty or greasy .
  • It is important to cover the glasses with spray to avoid wiping them dry.
  • You can find eyeglass cleaning sprays at most drugstores.

 Use a clean, dry microfiber cloth to gently wipe the cleaning spray off your lenses. Make sure there is no trace of the product left on them .
  • You can also use a clean, lint-free towel if you don't have a microfiber cloth on hand.

Keeping your glasses clean

The Best Way to Clean Plastic Glasses Without Damaging the Lenses

 While it may seem like the most convenient option, wiping your glasses on your shirt or pants can scratch them. If you have a large stain or dust on your lenses, this kind of handling could scratch them and permanently damage them.
  • If you have no choice but to wipe your glasses on your clothes, try blowing on the lenses to remove dirt or dust before cleaning them, otherwise you risk scratching them.

 Oil, dirt, and grease can build up on your glasses as you wear them and can make it harder for you to see clearly. Try wiping them down once a day with a microfiber cloth to get rid of any visible residue  
  • You can find microfiber cloths at most home goods stores or at your optician's.

 Highly acidic or basic products like vinegar and bleach will damage the coating on your glasses, causing them to wear out much more quickly. Use only mild dish soap to clean your glasses to preserve them and make them last longer  .

  • Most glasses are coated with UV protection.
 Your hands naturally produce oils that leave residue on whatever you touch. The more you touch your glasses, the more oil they'll become coated in throughout the day. Avoid touching them as much as possible.

 Aerosol sprays leave a thin layer of chemicals on objects they fall on. They can stain your lenses, so keep your glasses away from areas where you spray hairspray or perfume..
  • Only put on your glasses after you've finished getting ready to keep them clean.

 Leaving your glasses in a backpack or purse can make them dirty faster because they'll come into contact with everything inside, and it can also scratch the lenses. If you're not wearing them, put them in a protective case that will keep them safe in your bag or schoolbag..
  • Placing your glasses in a case will also protect them from impact and minimize the risk of breakage.


  • Never use household cleaners to clean your glasses. These products can damage the coating on the outside of your lenses  

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