The Right Way to Clean a Contact Lens Case to Prevent Infections

The Right Way to Clean a Contact Lens Case to Prevent Infections

For good eye health, it is very important to keep your contact lens case clean at all times. This accessory can harbor dangerous bacteria if it is not properly disinfected daily, weekly, or monthly. You can start by emptying your contact lens case and then rinsing it with a suitable solution. After that, let it air dry to eliminate the presence of other contaminants. It is necessary to establish a regular cleaning schedule that can be completed in just a few minutes.

Prepare what you need for cleaning

 Before touching your contact lenses or any part of their case, you must wash your hands with soap and warm water. While washing, hold your hands under water and sing "The Birthday Song" to ensure they are clean. Regular handwashing will prevent bacteria from your hands from contaminating your eyes. .
  • For best results, you should use a natural soap that does not contain added fragrances or moisturizers, as these chemicals can be transferred from your hands to the case and from there to your eyes .
  • When you know you are about to handle your case or contact lenses, you should wipe your hands with a lint-free towel. This will prevent fibers from getting into your case and causing eye irritation

 To empty your case, grasp it and unscrew the lids (if they are closed), then set them aside. Turn the case upside down over your sink to drain the old solution. Be sure to shake it a little to remove any moisture.
  • It is important to check that your lenses are not in the case before emptying it.

 If you notice residual lens solution in your case, avoid adding a new mixture, as this will weaken the disinfecting effects of the solution and may cause bacterial irritation.

Clean your case daily

The Right Way to Clean a Contact Lens Case to Prevent Infections

 To clean the inside of your case, take a clean, lint-free cloth or your well-washed finger and rub gently to remove any biofilm that may be stuck to the plastic. For maximum cleanliness, try to cover all interior surfaces of the case and spend at least five seconds scrubbing each area

 To rinse your case, take the bottle of multi-use contact lens solution and gently spray it inside the open case. Continue this process until you are sure all debris has been removed. Remember to also spray the solution on the underside of the case lids.
  • Spraying the case is a crucial step in the bacteria prevention process. A recent study found that 70% of contact lens cases contained bacteria and other contaminants  .
  • You should make sure to use the multi-use solution prescribed by your doctor. Be aware that using regular saline or wetting solution will not properly disinfect your case

 Generally, it's advisable to keep your contact lenses and case as far away from water as possible. As such, you should refrain from rinsing your case, as this could expose you to Acanthamoeba keratitis, an eye infection that can lead to blindness

 After completing the rinsing process, place the lid caps and case on a clean tissue or lint-free cloth. Depending on your preference, you can turn them facing down or up. Some people say it's better to turn the case facing down because it protects it from airborne contaminants like those commonly found in bathrooms. 

 When your case is completely dry, refill it with fresh contact lens cleaning solution. At this point, your case is ready to store your contact lenses again.

 Choose the location where you store your contact lens case carefully. In a humid environment, it is likely to be exposed to bacteria. For example, if you leave it in a bathroom, especially near the toilet, it may come into contact with contaminated water droplets. You may then consider placing it on a bedside table. This is an alternative storage option 

Maintaining your case in the long term

The Right Way to Clean a Contact Lens Case to Prevent Infections

 Check your case regularly for cracks. Be aware that even a small crack in the threads of the lid can allow bacteria to enter the case. On the other hand, if you drop your case and it becomes damaged, you should replace it as soon as possible

 Take a clean, new toothbrush that you will use formally for cleaning your case. Also take the contact lens solution and pour a small amount onto the toothbrush. Then scrub the inside and lids of your case. As soon as you are finished, rinse it with the solution and let it air dry..
  • Some people find that the most effective weekly cleaning method is to boil the case. So, if you want to try this, immerse your case in boiling water for at least three minutes. Be very careful to avoid burns  . For other people, the most recommended method is to put the case in the dishwasher .
  • If during your weekly cleaning of your case you notice the presence of very visible dirt or a hard biological film, you should consider changing it as soon as possible 
 When you buy a new case, write the date on the back with a marker. This way, you'll know exactly when you need to change it, as bacteria start to build up after a week of use. However, you can use it for up to three months. Don't necessarily wait for your doctor to recommend a new one. You can buy a new case at the pharmacy or supermarket 
  • The results of one study revealed that 47% of contact lens users say they never change their case .
  • You may be tempted to continue using your case if it isn't dirty or damaged. However, keep in mind that most bacteria are not visible to the naked eye 

 It has been reported that researchers are working on a contact lens case that will repel bacteria. Tests are still being conducted and if successful, the accessory could be commercially available very soon


  • When cleaning your case, be careful not to let the tip of the bottle containing the solution touch it, let alone any other surface. In fact, this could contaminate the solution itself..
  • In case cleaning your contact lens case is too tedious for you, you can opt for disposable contact lenses that are used daily.


  • Keep in mind that you must use the contact lens solution before the expiration date indicated on the bottle. Once this date has passed, it will lose its antibacterial effectiveness..
  • When you experience redness, pain, or blurriness in your eyes, be aware that this could be a warning symptom of a serious infection despite cleaning your case regularly. Consult your ophthalmologist immediately when this happens
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